Saturday 28 May
Survived the flight quite well and no hassles at either airports. Arrived Frankfurt 6am Saturday and able to check into the Adina apartments (off shoot of Medina) immediately as had prior arranged (very worth it when you start flaking out and need a sleep early afternoon). Temperature similar to Brisbane but with cooler winds.
Went exploring the flea markets on the south bank of the Mein river (Sachsenhausen) then walked back across to the old city.
Couldn't help ourselves and had to start off with a Starbucks coffee then explored the farmers markets with produce ranging from fresh fruit and veg (minus Spanish cucumbers), cheese, meats, salmon, wine and many vendors selling frankfurters, and lots of fried fare. Checked out the Zeil shopping strip and sorted out new sim cards (lucky to be served by very helpful girl as bit difficult to finalise connection when IVR only in German).
After a little nana nap we returned to old city centre for dinner at Cafe Liebfrauenberg est 1893. Sylv had a delicious potatoe and salmon soup and Bill a pork medallion with mushroom sauce and potato cakes. The live entertainment was a duo singing mostly English songs to a very merry crowd some of whom displayed their dance skills. We tried a local pino grigio which wasn't spectacular (at least compared to the Aussie wines we're used to) but they were too slow returning for our dessert order so we opted for Haagen Das (to take away as it's 2 Euro more to eat in, even in a cone!!!).
Overall a great day to start off our adventure.
Sunday 29 May
Both slept reasonably well so off to explore Palmengarten (tropical and botanical gardens) a 30 min walk away. We really enjoyed certain areas – cacti & fuchsias, tropicals and palms our favourites – but compared to the Montreal botanical gardens visited August 2010, these paled.
We are following the E.coli outbreak closely but news to date is it's more in the North which we won't get to until much later. We have both eaten cucumber and salads and are still here to tell the tale. Maybe this Lama ate some cucumber....
Also amazing that we had our first view of an Cassowary... in Germany!
Today's weather was indeed warmer with clear skys and top temp of 24 degrees, so we stopped for a beer at cute little beer garden on way home. Services wasn't happening so Bill went inside to order and pay (“no pay now, I bring it to you”). Ok, sounds like a tip will be required!! Nice beer in any case but paying proved very frustrating and we almost left without. Seems some Germans are as arrogant as the some French with foreigners.
Dinner in as we'd bought some salmon at the markets yesterday and some famed white asparagus (is about 4 times the size of our green asparagus). Turns out only the Germans think it's famous!! We found it bitter and stringy but the salmon was delicious. Dessert was half each of two enormous strudels, one cherry and one apple. Cherry was the winner. Wine was an Austrian Chardonnay which was quite nice.
Early to bed as still recovering from flight and two big walking days.
Much hotter today ... 30 degrees whew!
Went back to the My Ziel to ride the longest escalator in the world, and do some shopping.
Otherwise a fairly quiet day as we prepare to pick up the Motor-home tomorrow and hit the road.
Still no impact from the E.coli scare where we are - it is mainly in the north around Hamburg, and we are well to the south and about to head further south/west.
But we took precautions at the behest of Bill's sister, and had a great Sushi lunch - not a cucumber in sight. Reminded us of our favorite Japanese Restaurant, Misu back home.
It is light very late for the last days of Spring. Bright daylight at 9pm - so not sure how late it will stay light in summer and as we head further north later in the trip.
Frankfurt is a nice and really easy city to get around - lots of people on bicycles - lots of garden spaces and broad squares and streets. They call it the Manhattan of Germany because the CBD highrise buildings apparently give it a skyline similar to Manhattan. I think they must mean Manhattan, Kansas, not Manhattan, New York, as there are not that many high rises - much less than Brisbane - more than Townsville.
They are however clearly proud to be part of the European Union.
They are however clearly proud to be part of the European Union.
Looking good so far Guys......Hope you're both still well...looking forward to reading the next installment...xx